Fertility Screening and Investigations

Fertility also known as reproductive medicine supports couples and specializes in fertility preservation, diagnosing and treating male and female fertility issues. We offer the following services to patients who are aseeking fertility treatment which combine assisted reproductive technology and traditional therapies.

Our fertility department supports couples and specialises in fertility preservation, diagnosing and treating male and female fertility issues. We offer many services to patients who are seeking fertility treatment which combines assisted reproductive technology (ART) and traditional therapies.

Services - Infertility Consultation

Fertility Assessment

Ovulation induction

This is a process that uses medication to stimulate the development of ovulation for women without the release of egg cells during the menstrual cycle or with menstrual disorder.

Intra-uterine insemination (IUI)

This is an assisted conception with prepared sperm placed into the uterus at the time of ovulation.

In-vitro fertilisation (IVF)

This is an advanced form of fertility treatment that includes the extraction of the egg before combining it with the sperm in the lab. It involves the stimulation of eggs for maturation and ovulation, combined with prepared sperm in the uterus to increase chances of conception for the couple.

Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)

This is a technique to enhance fertilisation of retrieved eggs for couples undergoing IVF. It is an invasive procedure as it involves selecting a single sperm and injecting it directly into each egg in order to enhance fertilisation in the lab.

Superovulation and intrauterine insemination (SO-IUI)

This procedure increases the likelihood of conception for couples with fertility issues by placing sperm inside the uterus during a natural ovulation or using hormone stimulation, super ovulation with intra-uterine insemination (SO-IUI).

Embryo and sperm cryopreservation

This is an assisted reproduction technology (ART) technique that freezes and stores a woman’s eggs and man’s sperms for conception at a later stage of their life.

Donor sperm, egg or embryo programmes
Blastocyst culture and transfer

This procedure is physiologically synchronised with the window of implantation to help the embryo to implant and form the placenta.

In-vitro maturation of oocytes

This procedure involves retrieving immatures eggs from the ovary that are then matured in the lab. Upon maturation, in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) or Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is then performed to assist in fertilising these eggs.

Laser assisted hatching

This is a process intended to improve implantation rates before embryo transfer for our patients.

When Should You Go For A Fertility Assessment?

All couples who intend to conceive should go for a fertility assessment as soon as possible.

A fertility test provides a clearer picture of a couple’s reproductive potential and options to explore treatment early if needed. This allows you to adjust your life plans accordingly.

Ways To Improve Fertility Through Lifestyle Changes

Stop smoking

Besides damaging your cervix and fallopian tubes for females, smoking causes your ovaries to age and depletes your eggs prematurely. It also increases the chances of a miscarriage during pregnancy. For males, smoking affects your fertility by damaging the quality of your sperm.

Avoid coffee and alcohol

Heavy alcohol and caffeine consumption greatly affects you and your spouse’s fertility. If you are pregnant, they are also detrimental to the health of your developing foetus.

Managing stress

High levels of stress and lack of sleep reduce sexual satisfaction and impair a couple’s fertility. Reducing psychological stress can greatly improve the effectiveness of fertility treatment and your chances of getting pregnant.

Exercising moderately and regularly

Being severely overweight or underweight may affect regular ovulation. Exercising moderately to get to a healthy body mass index (BMI) can increase your frequency of ovulation and likelihood of pregnancy.

Consider supplements

Consumption of iron supplements or non-heme iron from plant-based food sources decreases the risk of infertility. Vitamin D supplements can also help men boost testosterone levels.

Common Causes of Female Infertility

Ovulation disorders

Ovulation disorder refers to irregular ovulation, or not at all. This may be caused by problems with the ovary, or regulation of reproductive hormones. Ovulation disorders account for 1 in 4 cases of infertility.


Endometriosis occurs when tissue that usually grows in the uterus, start growing elsewhere. This excess tissue growth may damage the sperm/egg or block the fallopian tube, preventing the egg and sperm from fertilising.

Damage to fallopian tubes

Otherwise known as tubal infertility, damaged or blocked fallopian tubes prevent sperm from reaching the egg. It could also block the passage of the fertilised egg to the uterus.

Uterine or cervical causes

There are several uterine or cervical issues that cause infertility. If left untreated, they may either prevent implantation, or increase the likelihood of a miscarriage.

Common Causes of Male Infertility

Abnormal sperm production

The quality of sperm may be impaired due to genetic factors, infections or health problems such as diabetes.

Cancer-related treatments​

Cancer treatment methods such as chemotherapy and radiation can affect the production of sperm.

Environmental factors

While exposure to heat may affect sperm production, overexposure to first or second-hand smoke, chemicals and radiation can cause infertility too.

Need A Helping Hand?

Drop us a line anytime, and one of our staff will respond to you as soon as possible

Contact Us Form

Appointments are generally made following acceptance of a referral letter from a doctor, detailing any relevant information regarding the couple’s fertility history and results of any tests previously carried out. Your doctor will need to forward us all the necessary information about your case, including copies of previous test results.


Couples who do not have a doctor can personally arrange an appointment by calling or emailing Centre for Assisted Reproduction Pte Ltd (CARE) directly. Alternatively you can use the form here. Please do remember to bring along copies of any previous test results you may have to your first appointment.

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